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We Are
LGBTQ+ Immigrants

RUSA LGBTQ+ is a New York City community-based nonprofit organization of Eurasian LGBTQ+ people, women, and other people with intersectional identities and their allies. In solidarity with other grassroots groups, RUSA builds the power of people to change unjust policies, discriminatory societal attitudes, and oppressive ideologies to create a more equitable world.

Flag of Uzbekistan
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Statement on Recent Federal Policies
Impacting Immigrants LGBTQIA+ Communities

RUSA LGBTQ strongly condemns recent executive orders by President Trump that target immigrants, asylum seekers, and LGBTQIA+ individuals. These policies, including the rollback of gender recognition to only male and female as assigned at birth and heightened restrictions on immigration and asylum processes, represent a direct attack on human rights. As an organization that works with Russian-speaking queer immigrants, these policies resemble laws passed by dictator and war criminal Vladimir Putin, and we know too well what such attacks lead can lead to. 

The refusal to recognize transgender and non-binary identities, coupled with restrictions on federal support for gender-affirming care, strips away dignity and safety from some of the most vulnerable among us. Simultaneously, expanded deportation efforts and the reinstatement of the "Remain in Mexico" policy are forcing countless asylum seekers—many of whom are fleeing anti-LGBTQIA+ persecution—into dangerous and inhumane conditions.

RUSA LGBTQ stands in unwavering solidarity with all immigrants, asylum seekers, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially transgender and non-binary individuals who are disproportionately impacted. We are here to offer support, resources, and advocacy to those navigating these unjust policies.

We call on community members, allies, and policymakers to unite in rejecting these discriminatory measures and to work toward a society that values justice, equity, and the right of every person to live authentically and free from fear.

If you or someone you know needs assistance or resources, please contact us . Together, we will continue to fight for a world where everyone is seen, valued, and protected.



RUSA LGBTQ+ was founded in 2008 to create a safe space for LGBTQ+ immigrants from the countries of the former Soviet Union. RUSA, a community-based group, registered as a formal 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in 2022.
RUSA LGBTQ+ unites LGBTQ+ immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees, and allies in the United States who came from Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, and other Eurasian countries. 
RUSA LGBTQ+ provides informational support and mutual aid to asylum seekers and other immigrants in the United States and organizes events to build a stronger community of LGBTQ+ immigrants and allies and increase the acceptance and inclusion of LGBTQ+ people worldwide.

We pair LGBTQIA asylum-seekers and immigrants with local volunteers for English conversation practice and assistance with integration. We cultivate understanding, mutual respect and solidarity.

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Getting ID Documents in New York


 Application for IDNYC card

•Learner Permit (Learner's driving license)

•Non-Driver ID Card​

Learning & Practicing English Language

•Online Resources (Websites, Applications)

•In-person English​

Social support

•Temporary Housing Shelters

•Free Meals

•Financial Assistance

•Public Transportation


Rental Housing & Tenant Rights
Health & Medicine​​

•Physical and Mental Health

•Emergency Assistance


•Adult Education Centers

•Schools for Children

•Scholarships and Grants for Education​

Employment and professional training

•Work Authorization

•Professional training

•Small Business Assistance​

Legal Assistance

•Legal Services

•Form Preparation


Tax filing
Safety resources
LGBTQ+ Resources
Volunteer Opportunities

RU - Информационный гид RUSA LGBTQ+.png
KZ - Информационный гид RUSA LGBTQ+.png
EN - Information Guide RUSA LGBTQ+.png

Commit to change
by pledging a monthly donation

Dependable regular donations allow RUSA to plan and implement long-term programs that have lasting positive effects on LGBTQ+ asylum-seekers and refugees in the United States. 
However small or large, it's the regularity of your contribution that holds the most power.

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